Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Unbalanced hero

My name is Hunter Crumpley and I am currently a freshman in high school. I would consider myself an unbalanced hero. I don't think like most people. I think outside the box. I am a problem solver and I don't see things as just black and white. Unlike some of my friends, I love school and I love a good challenge. Sometimes it's difficult for me to recognize what is reality and what isn't. Being an author (or potential author I should say) the stories I write come to life. The world in my books are so perfect that I want that to be my reality. That is why I love my friends so much because they can always pull me back to reality world and not fantasy world.

The Quest for Identity

My quest is to find myself. High school has so many different people that I don't really know what category I would fall under. There are many different classes and clubs a person can be in. I am using high school to experiment with the different classes and clubs to figure out what I really want to do. If I can figure out what I want to do in high school, it shouldn't take long to find myself. This year, I am currently in Athletic Training, Choir, and Orchestra. I joined these classes for a reason. I desperately want to be an author. In the book I'm writing, low level medical procedures are needed. I had no experience with treating injuries so I joined Athletic Training. Even though the information I need could be found on the Internet, I thought that experiencing it myself would give me better results. It taught me how to treat injuries and made it easier to write the story. I don't need Athletic Training anymore so I quit. I joined choir because I love to sing. My mom tells me I have a musical gift and it was very difficult to quit. I have been an "Orch. Dork" since sixth grade. The big reason I joined Orchestra was because I did not want to make all the money spent for my violins to go to waste. When I started Orchestra this year, I started to think that maybe it wasn't something I wanted to do. I didn't feel like "Hunter Crumpley." I felt like my mom. When she sits behind the piano, she is amazing. Maybe music just isn't for me. Next year I plan on taking Public Speaking, German, BCIS, and P.E./Health. I'm only taking BCIS and P.E./Heath because it's mandatory. I'm not much of a speaker, but I can put on a good debate. The only way I can be in Debate is by taking Public Speaking. I'll probably fail the class since I'm so shy, but I'll have to manage. The classes I take are taken for a reason. It's only a matter of time before I find what lies beyond reasons. By taking classes like these and honor classes I should find who I am. There is a theory that I have come up with about an individual's present and future. Majority of bad influences are not in advanced classes because they really don't care about them. If a person is in advanced classes and away from those influences then it's possible that they will get a better education. With a better education, a person can get into a good college and get a really good job away from these bad influences. This individual would not be living in a bubble necessarily. They would still be exposed to the influences just not directly in front of it. I plan on being that individual.

A Mentoring Family

My family are my mentors. I look up to them to set an example for me, like every family should. My family still hasn't exactly matured. They still have their inner child in them, no matter how old they are. It runs in our blood to be crazy 24/7. They have taught me that you can never be too young to have fun and to always live life to the fullest because it may be your last day in Earth. They have taught me that family are the most important people in a person's life (except God). Friends come and go, but family is with you through out your entire journey. For that, I am grateful.

Threshold Guardian

My friends Casey and Cherith are amazing! I would definitely consider them my threshold guardian. Before I met them I basically lived in a bubble. They have helped me see reality and what is out in the world. I don't know what my life would be like without them. They have opened so many doors for me that have really helped and will pay off in the future. I still kind of live in a bubble, but because of Casey and Cherith, I'm not as clueless as I used to be.

No words can describe the influence my two best friends, Rachel and Kristin, have had on me. Knowing them since Pre-K pretty much makes them family and we are always there for each other. We've known each other for so long that we can always tell if someone's not themselves. I can always count on them to keep me on track. They are the best influence I could get. The only person better than them is God. No one else can compare to them and our life long friendship.

Shadow of Death: Wind Turbines Kill Life!

This picture represents my negative feelings towards my dad's business. My sister made this picture to show how it effects our family. Sure, the wind turbine helps you save money on your electricity bill, but if your dad is the one selling them then it's going to change a lot more than the electricity bill. All I really want family time. I always got family time. Not anymore. For the past two years, my dad has been selling wind turbines all over the state of Texas. Texas is huge and involves lots of travel. I only get to see my dad a few hours a day. Before I got to see him whenever I was home...which was a lot. Now he is traveling some so I won't even see him for around two days at a time, but that doesn't happen very often. Now my mom is working with him. Even though all she does is answer the phones and book his appointments, she is always working twenty-fours a day no matter where she is. My dad needs to set his priorities straight, but every time I mention that to him, he always tells me that I wouldn't be able to survive without him working to earn money. I depend on my parents so much that now I have to do a lot of thing on my own. I depend on my dad to help me feel better when I'm upset. Because I don't see my dad as much I have to find something else to get me in a good mood. It's been a long time for me to find what will make me feel better and I have found that music, books and writing always helps. My mom is always there to hear what I have to say, but now I wouldn't be surprised if she heard a single word. These stupid wind turbine are a full time job. There are almost like having a newborn baby around. Selling wind turbines are not cut out for a person with family. You really can't have a life as long as they are around!

My Friendly Trickster

Rachel Franco, also known as my best friend is definitely my trickster. She always has a funny story to share and knows how to give me a reality check. I can't remember a single moment when Rachel wasn't funny or in a funny situation. She sticks to funny events like a magnet. Sometimes I've wondered if Rachel was even human. Sometimes I think she might even be an alien, but that's who she is and she is my best friend. I don't know what I will do without Rachel. When graduation comes, I will probably be really depressed because I won't know what life has in store for me. At the moment, I have Rachel to give me a good laugh, but it won't be like that forever. Life without her is like an ice cream cone with out the ice cream.You have the cone, but the best part is missing.

Peace, Love and God

I have given my life to Christ. This Baptist church has taught me so much and I have made great friends along the way. My family and I have attended many churches to find the right one. Then we found Lake Pointe in Rockwall. we attended the Rockwall campus for two years. Then, my friend Kristin told us that a Lake Pointe campus was being built next to Academy and 24 Hour Fitness. It was much closer and easier to get to. We have attended the Town East campus for four years. So, pretty much we have been members of Lake Pointe for a total of six years. My group leader, Shelly, is amazing and has helped me better understand my view on what I believe. I was born into Christ and He will always be with me. I attend Lake Pointe Town East.

The naive and inexperienced

Apparently, I am naive and inexperienced. My dad and I are always at each other's throats about his judgment towards people. I always see the best in people weather I know them or not. My dad sees the worst in people and doesn't want to change his mind. I always tell him that he doesn't have a right to judge a person the way he does. He thinks that because of that, I am naive. Well he's right, but he forced me to be that way. I help people, not hurt them. When my father has something to say about a person, I feel the need to defend that person. My dad thinks that because I defend every person on earth, I am naive and that because I'm still in school, I'm inexperienced. I'm pretty sure no matter how much experience I get, I will be the same.

Loyal Band of Companions

My friends are very important to me. I can't live without them. They too, are like my family. They prove that you can always have fun. Even though we are all so different, they are true and loyal. My parents talk about moving. Moving away from my "family" would be devastating. I have been around them my entire life. I will not depart from them. They are my family and I love them all. The friendships I have will be a special bond for the next twenty years. There is much love and respect invested in these relationships and I will value them forever.


TAKS. It's something that scares all of us. It's the very reason we have school and get so much homework. Every year we take this test and every year we get the results that determine whether or not we move on to the next grade. 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th... We take these tests all throughout high school until we graduate. This year, my TAKS results were shocking. While I've always been a good student, I still get nervous about this test. So much pressure is put on passing this exam. I was pleasantly surprised when I got commended on both my math and reading tests. I live for the future and my TAKS results are very important to me as they guide me to future success.When I get good grades, it tells me that my future is bright and I should stay strong in my path for excellence. My TAKS results gave me an even greater sense of accomplishment. Each goal I reach is a step closer to fulfilling my lifelong quest.

Spiritually Unhealed

Sometimes an unhealed wound can be difficult to find. A few months ago, I was having difficulties separating the world's view from God's view. I knew what God wanted from me, but it's kind of difficult going against the world. A while back, I didn't go to church for an entire month. I felt guilty about missing the first two Sundays and just missed even more. I felt lost and the guilt made me not want to go back. As these weeks passed and the worldly issues became more burdensome, my heart became heavy with sadness. My friends noticed my absence and encouraged me to come back. That next Sunday, I returned to church and my spirit was suddenly renewed. God brought me back and it is through my faith that I will continue to avoid the worldly view and walk in God's footsteps. Wherever He may lead I will follow.