My quest is to find myself. High school has so many different people that I don't really know what category I would fall under. There are many different classes and clubs a person can be in. I am using high school to experiment with the different classes and clubs to figure out what I really want to do. If I can figure out what I want to do in high school, it shouldn't take long to find myself. This year, I am currently in Athletic Training, Choir, and Orchestra. I joined these classes for a reason. I desperately want to be an author. In the book I'm writing, low level medical procedures are needed. I had no experience with treating injuries so I joined Athletic Training. Even though the information I need could be found on the Internet, I thought that experiencing it myself would give me better results. It taught me how to treat injuries and made it easier to write the story. I don't need Athletic Training anymore so I quit. I joined choir because I love to sing. My mom tells me I have a musical gift and it was very difficult to quit. I have been an "Orch. Dork" since sixth grade. The big reason I joined Orchestra was because I did not want to make all the money spent for my violins to go to waste. When I started Orchestra this year, I started to think that maybe it wasn't something I wanted to do. I didn't feel like "Hunter Crumpley." I felt like my mom. When she sits behind the piano, she is amazing. Maybe music just isn't for me. Next year I plan on taking Public Speaking, German, BCIS, and P.E./Health. I'm only taking BCIS and P.E./Heath because it's mandatory. I'm not much of a speaker, but I can put on a good debate. The only way I can be in Debate is by taking Public Speaking. I'll probably fail the class since I'm so shy, but I'll have to manage. The classes I take are taken for a reason. It's only a matter of time before I find what lies beyond reasons. By taking classes like these and honor classes I should find who I am. There is a theory that I have come up with about an individual's present and future. Majority of bad influences are not in advanced classes because they really don't care about them. If a person is in advanced classes and away from those influences then it's possible that they will get a better education. With a better education, a person can get into a good college and get a really good job away from these bad influences. This individual would not be living in a bubble necessarily. They would still be exposed to the influences just not directly in front of it. I plan on being that individual.
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